Product Description Writing

Better Product Descriptions

product description writing

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Product Description Writing

What is product description writing?

Every person would have been to a store & purchased from a product description, but how many of those people stop at the shelf & read what the product is all about before they put it in their shopping cart?

Not very many, as most people want to get out of there as quickly as possible.

That’s Where Writing A Product Description Comes In.

A product can be the most beautifully designed thing that you’ve ever seen, but if it doesn’t have a powerful, compelling & well-composed product description; then it will join all the other products that went un-bought because people couldn’t figure out what they’re about.

So What Does Product Description Writing Achieve?

It tells prospective customers what the product is all about & why they should buy it.

There are a lot of different types of products out there, so there must be a lot of different types of description writing to go along with that right?

Yes; as well as creating descriptions for print, you can also create them for web; which is great because that’s where most people end up buying products these days.

What is Product description writing?

Sounds like a tedious and boring task, right? The truth is that it is not as much as you imagine. Most people think about writing product descriptions as if they were describing the items in their store to them; boring and repetitive; where almost all of them would be nearly identical and quite frankly useless. However, that’s far from what happens in the real world.

Product Descriptions.

There are different types of product description examples that you can write, each one with a unique objective and method to achieve it.

You can write a general description about the item itself or any type of specialized content related to it –including images, videos, trivia– which makes your audience want to know more and learn how they can also benefit from the product.

The first thing you need to keep in mind when writing any product descriptions is who will be reading them.

Is Your Audience The Same As One Of Your Online Stores

Are they people that are familiar with your brand or are they, new visitors?

Do You Have Different Audiences For Each Channel?

These are just some of the questions that you have to ask yourself beforehand so your product description can be engaging and compelling enough for them.

Writing Product Descriptions

Once you got these things sorted out, you’ll need to figure out how to communicate what makes your product unique or different from its counterparts.

This is where creativity comes into play. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s a place for fiction or that you should lie about your product. You just have to find the right tone in order to get what your product does across.

You will also need to include the benefits of using it, which is especially important if your audience is new people that are not familiar with your brand.

If you’re writing for an audience that already knows about you, then you will need to go into more detail and explain all the great things that your product can do for them.

The best thing about writing a product description is that it’s something that anyone can do. It doesn’t have to be written by an expert on the field or someone with amazing talent in writing.

All you have to do is put yourself in your audience’s shoes and then imagine what someone that knows nothing about your product will be able to benefit from it.

Let’s say that the product is a hairdryer. It would be very easy for anyone with hair to know how big of a difference it makes having one, but what about someone that never used one before?

You should talk about how it makes your hair dry in less time than usual, making them look good even when you get out of the shower.

You can also talk about something else that’s related to hair care, like styling it or curing frizzy hair.

Why Not Write Product Descriptions Yourself

There are still some people that prefer to write product descriptions by themselves.

If you’re one of them, then there are some essential points that need to be included in your description that will help you get started.

You have to provide a clear picture or an image of the item’s appearance so people can already know what they will be getting if they buy it.

This will help them to avoid any false advertising.

Product Description Template

A product description template is all you need to provide all the specifications and data that your product offers, such as weight, dimensions, and other types of measurements that people look for when making a purchase decision.

This may be even more important than describing what it looks like if you want people to read your product description –and by people, we mean the ones that consider buying it and not just browsing.

The last thing you need to do is write a few lines about what makes this product special and differentiates it from other similar options.

This way, your audience will be able to see all the benefits they can get by buying it. You also want them to know what they are missing out on if they don’t pick your product.

Even though this seems like a lot of work, it’s actually very basic and easy to do. You just need to be clear about what you want to say and make sure that there is nothing misleading in the message you’re trying to get across.

Also, try switching between a third person and a second person to give your product description a personal touch.

Be Found On Search Engines

You don’t need to write an entire book about your product either, as you only have around 200 words to play with per article.

You can also spread them out on several blog posts if this is more comfortable for you. It is important however that all the content you publish about the product is available in one place.

First, you have to present your product so people know what they can expect if they buy it. This means writing a brief description of your goods and the benefits that come with using them.

You can include things like easy installation, short installation time or warranty period if these are something you offer. You can also talk about the perfect fit that your product provides for users and how they will benefit from it.

Product Benefits

When talking about the key benefits of using your products, you should include both practical advantages as well as benefits that are more related to emotions.

For example, a great product benefit would be that people love buying items based on design or something that they find stylish, so you can talk about how beautiful your product is and what makes it so attractive.

Of course, all these product benefits are of no importance unless you have proof that they are 100% true or accurate.

This means including all the specifications and data of your goods in the article. It’s advisable to include some images as well but make sure that the images you upload are not blurry because this can affect the target audience’s opinion about the quality of your product.

It is very important that they trust what you have to say –if they can’t see it, how do they know if your goods look as good as you describe them?

Product Reviews

First and foremost, you should search for a niche that sells a lot of different goods. that have many product reviews.

When you get more specific, there are hundreds of product niches that sell items related to only one type of good or service.

This may be something like face cream, light bulbs or even Microsoft office in some cases.

It’s important that the niche is popular and well-known in online store circles though because this means that there is traffic out there that can be targeted and turned into sales if you know what you’re doing.

If the niche is not too competitive, this means that you’ll have more room to work with because it will be easier for your product to stand out and get noticed by people who are browsing through the different goods and services available online.

If the niche is more competitive you’ll have to work harder and write a better product feature or compelling product descriptions in your marketing copy and get people’s attention because there will be a lot of competitors.

If your goal is to build authority in your field, highlighting product features that you’re knowledgeable about and passionate about is very important. People will know that the product details they read are accurate and that you won’t try to fool them into buying something that is not up to par.

Before you start writing the article, you need to come up with a catchy and interesting title and intro so people know what they can expect from your product description blog post before they even read it.

Remember, the title and intro are what will determine if people click on your article or not. It’s a good idea to keep it simple and present your main argument in the title with a question mark at the end so people know that they will find an answer if they read on.

Product Titles

If people are looking for a reliable source of information about the product titles they’re browsing for, there is no better place than Amazon itself where buyers can find a wide array of products available from different vendors.

The great thing about Amazon is that there are buyers from all over the world who leave reviews once they have made their purchases and this means that you’ll be able to see what other people think about a particular product before committing yourself to buy it.

Do You Have An eCommerce Site?

If you have an eCommerce store, it’s important to include product descriptions on your page because this will give people more information about what they are buying.

This is especially true if the goods you sell are expensive or come in different sizes and variations; without proper product descriptions, people will not know all of the specifications that would affect their buying choices.

How Do You Write A Product Description For eCommerce?

An effective product description will describe the features of the product and what makes it stand out from competitive alternatives; it should also give a good representation of the benefits buyers will receive if they purchase the product.

Why Is Writing Compelling And Accurate Descriptions So Important?

If you’re selling electronics, for example, people need to know the specifications of the product before they make their buying decisions; if they don’t know what to expect, they will look for other alternatives on the internet where there is more information about what they are looking at.

A good example of a product description can be found in this article:

“Technical details: this item is a new remote control replacement for Toshiba 46VL863B 46 inch LCD TV. Our remote has the same button configuration as the original, so no programming is required. This new remote control does have a few more buttons than the original Toshiba remote and will provide added functionality to your existing TV.”

What Is A Product Description Format?

An effective product description should be presented in a clear and concise manner with the following elements:

  • Title: A catchy and interesting title or question that will encourage people to read on; this is the first thing seen when they visit your website.
  • Introduction: This section should inform users about what they can expect from the rest of the article and, at the same time, answer any questions they might have had from the title.
  • Product specs: This section will detail what a product is made of and how you can use it to get a specific outcome.
  • Benefits: This is the motivation for why buyers should purchase this product.
  • Call to action: A call to action can be anything that will ask people to buy your product or share the information they’ve read on social media.
  • Product images: Using high-quality images of goods is extremely important because it helps buyers make their purchase decisions much faster.
  • Product reviews: If there are any reviews for the product, this section should include them so that potential customers can see what other people are saying about the product.

What Is A Product Description Checklist?

A complete product description should include the following elements:

  • Size (if applicable to your product)
  • Color (if applicable to your product)
  • The material used for making it (if applicable to your product)
  • Replacement parts (if applicable to your product)
  • Set includes (if applicable to your product)
  • Instructions/ how-to guides for using it (if applicable to your product).

How Can I Write A Good Product Description?

When writing a description, you should take into consideration the following:

Be concise – do not ramble on and make your description too long.

Use relevant keywords – if you are selling a product related to gaming, use words like ‘video games, ‘PlayStation,’ etc. This will help improve the ranking for certain searches.

Compare the product with alternatives – this is a good way of showing buyers the differences between your product and others of a similar nature.

Use strong descriptive words – don’t be too vague in telling people what they will experience after using a certain product; give examples of how it can improve their lives or make them more productive.

Include validation from other buyers – if you have any endorsements, add them to show people that your product is worth buying.

How To Master Product Description Writing

Make sure you don’t make any spelling mistakes with what you have written, as this can lead to negative reviews from users who spot the mistakes you have made.

Even if your product is great, it can be tainted by poor spelling and grammar so do yourself a favor and edit what you’ve written at least twice before publishing it.

Another thing that’s really important but often overlooked is organic search rankings and including some testimonials for people who might want to know more about the product they’re looking at.

If you have some testimonials from either satisfied or unsatisfied users, it’s good to include them in your blog posts because this can help you gain more credibility on the internet.

How Do I Get More Traffic To My Online Store?

There are several ways of getting more traffic to your store:

Join forums, social media groups, and discussion boards related to the topic of your products and promote them there.

Ensure that keywords in your URL or web address are relevant to the products you’re selling.

Use SEO or search engine optimization tricks such as using keywords in your product descriptions and using them to create titles for blog posts or articles. for your online store.

Advertise your online business on social media channels like Facebook or Twitter. Show your online shop on Instagram, the more social signals you obtain the better your online store will rank.

SEO Optimised Product Descriptions as Standard

A clever way to make your content more attractive and engaging is by including keywords.

Keywords will be like a beacon that search engines can find you, which in turn improves their ranking on

Google for related searches because they know where the best information is located!

The inclusion of these important pieces of data provides readers with invaluable knowledge about products or services while simultaneously attracting new customers from all around who want another great read – not just one written solely by an SEO specialist without any idea how people really use websites today (I bet this seems pretty common).

Search engine optimisation has become increasingly vital over recent years.

Why Hire a Product Description Writer?

Running a business is tough. You need to be doing hundreds of things at once if you’re going to do it yourself!

But what about those products where the description doesn’t really speak for itself?

If your descriptions are not as powerful and intriguing, then customers may just head elsewhere because they’re not excited or enticed by what you have on offer- that would defeat all-purpose wouldn’t it?

Hiring professionals will take away some strain from this task but hiring someone else won’t help with quality content – so why don’t we write these too?!

We can make sure every word has been carefully chosen in order to captivate our customer base better than ever before by creating high impact headlines alongside tempting copy text which ensures there

The more powerful product descriptions you have, the easier it will be for customers to find your products.

Without them they can go elsewhere and quickly get bored with what’s being offered on site or online because there isn’t anything that excites them about buying from a shop without an informative description of each item in their inventory!

In addition having high-quality content means less time spent worrying about writing appropriate titles & meta tags since our team has done all this hard work already so now simply focus on describing items well enough where people would want/need one even if not necessary as last resort before moving onto something else instead…

Product Description Writing

Creative Writing For Your Products

Product Description Writing Services

When writing your own product descriptions makes sense in certain instances, in others, it doesn’t. For example, if you are short on time or don’t have much experience creating engaging content, a professional service will be a good option for you.

Writing quality product descriptions can be difficult and although learning how to write compelling copy might take time and effort, once you have mastered this art, it can bring in a lot of money for your business.

There are several benefits to using a service instead of doing the writing yourself:

You save time

When you use a professional product description writing service, they will write descriptions for all your products and even update old ones if necessary. You can focus on other tasks related to your business and you don’t have to worry about writing engaging content for your product descriptions anymore.

Your Products Will Be Listed More Often

Searchers are more likely to click on a product that has been described by a professional copywriter instead of one that has been written in a simple manner. They know how to use keywords that are related to your products to ensure it comes up in search engine queries.

Our Marketing And Research Techniques Are Advanced

A professional copywriter can help you understand what you’re doing wrong with your online store and ways of improving the experience for your customers.

They know how to catch someone’s attention using different strategies that will get more customers to buy your products.

Choose a company that has writers who specialise in various product pages or product niches such as health and wellness, beauty, or video games.

This is important because the more specific their expertise is, the better they can write copy related to your product pages relating to your brand voice.

Look for someone who will work with you on understanding your audience and setting goals that you want to achieve with your copy.

A service that provides excellent customer service is the one you should go for because it shows they value their customers.

A product description writing service can be a valuable investment if you use it correctly. Look for someone who will write engaging descriptions using more than just keywords, but descriptive phrases and words that make sense. Get a quote and take advantage of their discounts for first-time customers.


In order to be a successful business, it is important that you have clear and concise descriptions of your products. In general terms:
– Product Descriptions – A great way for businesses with online storefronts or brick & mortar retailers looking into offering items through an eCommerce platform like Shopify; this field allows users (customers) the ability search by category type including functionalities such as cooking utensils, apparel etc.; each one includes in depth information about its specific use which will help consumers make informed decisions when buying something new!

The best way to answer this question is by looking at what other products are selling. The average product description lenght ranges from 100-500 words, depending on the price point and niches that they cover (with some outliers like Amazonbasics’ 1000 word descriptions). Products containing very specific details may need more space since buyers will want all of their needs met in one place easily before making decisions about which item suits them best!

No, they’re not! Product descriptions are very affordable for both customers and businesses.

No matter the product or service you offer in your company–if it can be put into words then there’s an opportunity to charge money from people who want more information before making a purchase decision on anything related with what interests them most right now…

Product descriptions with keyword research are an excellent way to create more engaging content. They can help your products or services stand out in search results by using specific keywords that match their needs, which will lead potential customers directly toward them!

Yes, all our writers are native English speakers.